
by Thecon



Manage your companys logistics operations with this complete warehouse management application. Benefit of:Total visibility and control over the inflow, outflow, transfer and delivery of products.Adaptability: Diverse suite of functionality to meet the needs of any business, from database management to automated generation of essential documents.Advanced search engine: Quickly find the products you want with the help of machine learning technology.Accessible interface: Easy to use for all users, even those with disabilities.Optimize processes, save time and increase your companys productivity with this effective tool!The application interface provides a menu for managing the warehouse itself, where you can find information about stocks, delivery processes, reception, stock, etc. and a user/worker menu, which allows user account managementThe user has the possibility to change his account password using the "Change password" button, which will take him to the password change form. The fields in this form are all mandatory and are as follows:Current password - The current password of the account to validate that the account user is the one performing this operationNew password - The new password he wants to haveConfirm new password - requires rewriting the password to confirm that there were no typos